Countries of the World and International
This report provides a selection of materials for locating information on foreign
countries and international organizations. This first section presents sources giving
an overview of politics, economics, and recent history; the next section covers
specialized topics. Included are titles of some of the most frequently consulted
bibliographic sources that are available for use in many libraries. The third section
provides Internet addresses for travel and international information. Finally, included
is a list of foreign chanceries located in Washington, DC. Those who may wish to
write to the U.S. government agencies included here can consult local libraries for
Background Notes (Washington, GPO) are published by the U.S. Department of State
for each country of the world and revised intermittently. Profile information is given
on the people, geography, economy, government, and U.S. relations with the country.
Also included is tourist information and a basic reading list.
Europa Yearbook (London, Europa Publications), an annual publication, is valued
for its economic statistics and trade figures, as well as for its brief historical and
economic background. It contains listings of cabinet members and media in each
country, and a section on international organizations including the United Nations.
Statesman’s Year-Book (New York, St. Martin’s Press) contains similar information
in a more abbreviated form.
General encyclopedias, such as Encyclopedia Americana (New York, Grolier), World
Book Encyclopedia (Chicago, Field Enterprises), American Academic Encyclopedia
(Danbury, CT, Grolier) and New Encyclopedia Britannica (Chicago, Encyclopedia
Britannica, Inc.), provide detailed narratives on the history, geography, culture,
economics, etc., of various nations. Pictures, maps, and charts are featured.
Political Handbook of the World (Binghamton, NY, CSA Publications) is an annual
publication that contains narrative information on the government, politics, political
parties, legislature, and news media of each country in the world.
Statistical Abstract of the United States (Washington, GPO), an annual publication
by the Bureau of the Census at the Department of Commerce, includes comparative
international statistics on population, households, health, education, economic
measures, and a guide to foreign statistical abstracts.
World Almanac and Book of Facts (New York, Funk & Wagnalls) and Time Almanac
(New York, Little, Brown) are two annual publications with sections on countries of
the world. They include statistics on population, geography, names of government
officials, and brief historical background.
World Factbook (Washington, GPO) is a popular annual publication of the Central
Intelligence Agency (CIA), which contains statistics and facts on the land, language,
people, economy, defense, religion, literacy, etc., of each country of the world.
Specialized Information
Listed below are selected sources on the following topics: human rights,
immigration, international organizations, international trade and business, maps,
military strengths, people, terrorism, travel, and working/studying abroad.
Human Rights
Amnesty International Report (New York, Amnesty International USA) documents
Amnesty International’s work annually throughout the world. Entries contain
accounts of imprisonment, torture, and killing by repressive governments.
Country Reports on Human Rights Practices (Washington, GPO) is an annual
publication by the U.S. Department of State. Contains information on respect for and
violation of civil liberties and political rights in each country.
Statistical Yearbook (Washington, GPO) is an annual publication of the Department
of Homeland Security's Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services (formerly
the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) of the Department of Justice).
Provides a wide array of statistical information including legal and illegal
immigration to the United States by country and region, naturalization, and border
World Refugee Survey (Washington, GPO), prepared annually by the U.S. Committee
for Refugees, documents and reports the conditions of displaced persons worldwide
and provides statistics for a given year.
International Organizations
Encyclopedia of Associations, International Organizations (New York, Gale
Research) is published annually and gives brief descriptions of over 23,000
international nonprofit membership organizations, including multinational groups
located outside the United States.
Yearbook of International Organizations (Munich, Germany, K.G. Saur), edited
annually by the Union of International Organizations, is divided into three densely
packed volumes by organization description, country, and subject index. Each entry
provides a description of the organization, its publications, affiliations, and address.
International Trade and Business
Country Reports on Economic Policy and Trade Practices (Washington, GPO) is an
annual publication by the State Department that contains information on individual
countries key economic indicators, debt management policies, exchange rates,
structural policies, worker rights, and trade policies.
Exporters’ Encyclopedia (New York, Dun & Bradstreet) is an annual publication
that profiles U.S. commercial requirements for main export areas of the world.
Traditionally focused on U.S. exports to Europe and Japan, it now includes profiles
on emerging Asian and Latin American markets.
Handbook of International Economic Statistics (Washington, GPO) is compiled by
the CIA’s Directorate of Intelligence and published intermittently. The Handbook
provides basic statistics in comparing worldwide economic performance and is
divided by chapters into overall economic profiles by regions of the world. It is also
divided by subjects, such as energy, agriculture, foreign trade, and foreign aid.
International Financial Statistics (Washington, IMF) is a monthly publication by the
International Monetary Fund (IMF) that provides information on exchange rates,
money and banking, interest rates, prices, international transactions, government
accounts, and national accounts for IMF member countries.
Principal International Businesses (New York, Dun & Bradstreet) is published
annually and provides business addresses worldwide by geographical areas and by
standard industrial classification (SIC) codes.
Map Catalog (New York, Tilden Press) is an annual publication that lists government
and commercial sources by subject and by state for specialized maps of countries
such as topographical, political, and aerial/satellite reproductions.
Military Strengths
Military Balance (London, Brassey’s) is updated each year to provide timely and
quantitative assessment of military forces and defense expenditures of over 140
countries. Data, compiled by the International Institute of Strategic Studies (IISS),
include statistics on manpower, equipment, and weapons systems.
World Military Expenditures and Arms Transfers (Washington, GPO) is prepared by
the U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency. It is published biennially and
provides statistical tables of military and economic variables including arms transfer
deliveries by major supplier and recipient country.
World Military and Social Expenditures (Washington, World Priorities), by Ruth
Leger Sivard and contributing writers, is a biennial reporting of world resources for
social and military purposes by geographic region. Included are summaries of recent
conflicts and the ranking of countries by military and social indicators along with
detailed maps.
People (Heads of State, Diplomats, Etc.)
Chiefs of State and Cabinet Members of Foreign Governments (Washington, GPO)
is issued monthly by the Central Intelligence Agency. It provides a listing of names
without biographical material.
Congressional Directory (Washington, GPO) is published biennially. It contains a
section listing foreign diplomatic representatives and consular offices in the United
States; it also lists ambassadors and U.S. diplomatic and consular offices abroad.
Current Biography (New York, H.W. Wilson) has been published monthly except
December since 1940 and compiled annually as Current Biography Yearbook. It
provides background information on people prominent in the national news and
international affairs. Selected references are listed at the end of each entry.
Diplomatic List (Washington, GPO) is issued quarterly by the Department of State.
It contains the names of foreign diplomats assigned to Washington, DC.
International Who’s Who (London, Europa) is published annually, a ready reference
source that provides biographical information on the world’s most influential people.
International Year Book and Statesman’s Who’s Who (West Sussex, England, Reed
Information Services) is an annual compilation that provides biographies of leading
politicians, diplomats, and businessmen worldwide. Divided into three sections, it
also contains background on international organizations and a brief overview of the
nations of the world.
Key Officers of Foreign Service Posts (Washington, GPO), revised and issued
quarterly by the Department of State, provides names of key U.S. personnel at
embassies abroad as well as addresses and telephone numbers for all U.S. embassies.
Patterns of Global Terrorism (Washington, GPO), an annual publication of the
Department of State, reviews terrorist activities from the past year. It includes a
chronology of terrorist incidents and descriptions of selected terrorist organizations.
Travel and Travel Advisories
Culturgrams: The Nations Around Us (Provo, UT, Brigham Young Univ.), published
annually and developed by the David M. Kennedy Center for International Studies,
summarizes the unique customs, traditions, and lifestyles within a country and
includes greetings and gestures, languages spoken, and national holidays.
The Department of State’s Bureau of Consular Affairs issues current
information on areas of the world that may be hazardous for American citizens
traveling abroad through its Travel Warnings and Consular Information Sheets, and
its Office of American Citizens Services, (202) 647-5225.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), based in Atlanta,
Georgia, has an international travelers’ hotline for the latest information on
immunization requirements, recommendations, and health conditions for countries
around the world. To receive information, contact the CDC at 877-FYI-TRIP toll
free; by fax, 888-232-3299 toll free; or on the Internet at [].
Current travel guides for regions and countries of the world can provide up-to-
date information on entry requirements and documents, monetary exchanges,
historical background, as well as information on restaurants and hotels. A reliable
travel agent can be a valuable source of service and information for planning a trip
abroad, and most countries maintain official tourist information bureaus in major
cities such as New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, and San Francisco. These offices
are often excellent sources of free printed matter — brochures, maps, posters, etc.
A directory of tourism offices worldwide is also available on the Internet (see
“Selected Topics of Interest” below). Many countries also have similar information
available on the Internet. Refer to the section on “Internet Sources for Countries of
the World” (below) for details.
Treaties in Force (Washington, GPO), compiled annually by the Department of
State, provides information on treaties and other international agreements entered
into by the United States and recorded by the Department of State as being in force
as of January 1 of each year.
Working and Studying Abroad
Academic Year Abroad and Vacation Study Abroad (New York, Institute of
International Education) are annual publications of the Institute of International
Education (IIE), the largest U.S. higher education exchange agency. Both provide
details on international education and work opportunities by regions of the world.
Recent statistics on study and work abroad are listed in the appendixes.
How To Find an Overseas Job With the U.S. Government: A Complete and
Comprehensive Guide (Oakton, VA, Cantrell Corporation). Published intermittently,
it provides a comprehensive agency-by-agency guide to international federal
government positions abroad, including position descriptions and qualifications.
Vacation Work’s Work Your Way Around the World and Teaching English Abroad
(Distributed in the U.S. by Peterson’s Guides, Inc.). Published irregularly, these
sources offer information by field of work (agriculture, business and industry,
teaching English, etc.) and by country as well as information on certification, taxes,
training, and visa regulations.
World of Learning (London, Europa), is an annual publication that lists the addresses
and telephone numbers of colleges, universities, research institutions, and libraries,
alphabetically by country and briefly describes selected educational organizations.
Internet Sources for Countries of the World 1
Information on foreign countries is available electronically on the Internet.
These sources can be accessed using various tools. The most popular of these search
tools is the World Wide Web (WWW), which uses hypertext links that allow a user
to jump from one document to another with the appropriate software (Internet
Explorer, Netscape, etc.). To browse on a specific topic or country, a search engine
is used.
Search Engines
Internet search engines (Altavista, Google, Yahoo!, etc.) scan the Web on a
given topic, then index and create sets for each entry. Below are some examples of
search engines for general country and regional information.
Altavista World at []. Translations of any text in English
to one of 19 other languages listed and vice versa, using Babelfish.
Google - Countries at []. Also
click on “Language Tools” at [] for
translation of text or websites.
InfoPlease Countries of the World at [].
Kasbah at [] for world news and travel.
Translate English text, website, and email to language listed and vice versa.
Yahoo! - Regional at [].
A listing and brief description of selected Internet sites for country information
using the Web is itemized below.
Federal and Related Agencies
Bureau of the Census International Statistical Agencies
[]. This website is a source of
demographic, economic, and social statistics for several nations. Also available is
the International Data Base (IDB), a databank containing demographic and socio-
1 This section was updated by CRS intern Angel Young.
economic statistics (population, migration, ethnicity, etc.) for 227 countries and areas
of the world. A ranking of countries by total population is also available for any year
from 1950 to 2050 by clicking on “Countries Ranked by Total Population” at
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) at []. This
website provides the latest information related to travelers’ health and high-risk areas
worldwide at [].
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) at []. The Central
Intelligence Agency website provides information by selected topics — What’s New,
employment opportunities, related Web links, and current editions of the World
Factbook at [], Factbook
on Intelligence at [], Chiefs
of State and Cabinet Members of Foreign Governments at [
publications/chiefs/index.html], a listing of CIA Directors and Deputy director,
maps, and other publications.
Department of Commerce at []. This website provides
commercial and non-commercial Web links on U.S. trade with other nations and
information for American companies doing business overseas. It provides a listing
of the Commerce Department agencies on the Web, such as the International Trade
Administration, Bureau of Export Administration, and others.
Department of State at []. This website provides current
information on U.S. foreign policy, current hot topics of interest, travel and business
information. It also provides Internet links to related agencies and international
sources. Current editions of Background Notes, Consular Information Sheets,
Country Commercial Guides, Country Reports on Human Rights Practices, Patterns
of Global Terrorism, and Travel Advisories/ Travel Warnings are available full text
at []. Information on various countries and regions of the
world can be accessed directly at []. Foreign travel
information is available through the Bureau of Consular Affairs at
[]. Information on foreign exchange and training programs,
international broadcasting (including foreign commentary on the United States, Voice
of America (VOA), Radio Liberty/Radio Free Europe), international youth
exchanges, and the Fulbright Program can be found at the Bureau of Educational
and Cultural Affairs at []. Links to U.S. embassies and
other diplomatic missions abroad is available at [].
International Trade Administration (ITA) at []. The
International Trade Administration of the Department of Commerce provides
background information on the ITA site, and provides sections on How to Export,
Export Markets, Trade Statistics, etc. Click on “Trade Stats Express” for additional
information on U.S. foreign trade highlights and global data links. The ITA also
maintains a toll-free number for its Trade Information Center at 1-800-USA-TRADE.
Library of Congress at []. This
website provides links to electronic resources from around the world listed first by
country then by topics.
Peace Corps at []. This website provides background
information on its volunteer programs, countries where volunteers serve, press
releases, and links to other government agencies.
United States Agency for International Development (USAID) at
[]. This website of the USAID offers links to related
government and international agencies dealing with development in the Third World.
Includes background on USAID, press releases, and programs promoting economic
growth, environmental protection, and basic health worldwide.
Voice of America (VOA) at []. Official website of
the VOA provides information on its history and current news releases. It lists the
various languages the VOA broadcasts and links to websites in those languages at
[]. It also includes a
“Pronunciation Guide” for the names of some world leaders and regions of the world
at [].
Foreign Embassies
The Electronic Embassy at []. This website links the staff
and resources of selected embassies in Washington, DC, to their constituencies in
business, education, and politics. It also provides links to other websites for the
foreign affairs community.
International and Regional Organizations
African Union (AU), formerly the Organization of African Unity (OAU), at
[]. This is the official website for the African Union
(AU). In July 2002, the OAU, founded in 1963, was superseded by the AU. This site
provides information on its members, the OAU Charter, its current activities, human
rights, economy, peacekeeping, and conflict resolution.
Asian Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) at [].
Official website of the APEC secretariat. Contains current news and press releases,
APEC publications, and background for its member economies, and provides contact
persons, as well as links to related websites.
Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) at [].
This website contains background information on ASEAN and its members:
Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand (the original five members),
Brunei, Vietnam, Laos, and Myanmar in the areas of politics, economics, business,
trade statistics, and culture. It also provides links to each country’s home page, the
latest ASEAN Summit and past Summits, press releases, and related websites.
European Union (EU) at []. The
European Union (EU), formerly known as the European Community (EC) and the
European Economic Community (EEC), was founded in 1993. There were 15
member nations until May 1, 2004, when 10 new countries joined: Cyprus (Greek
part), the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland,
Slovakia, and Slovenia. Included are detailed maps of each nation, a map of Europe,
historical information on the EU and its related agencies, and links to other European
sites and the EU Home Page at [] and
summaries of EU legislation at [].
G-8 Summits at []. This site is maintained by the
Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade. It provides
background information on the latest G-8 Summit in St. Petersburg, Russia, July
15-17, 2006, that focused on energy security, infectious diseases and education.
Included are links to previous summits (e.g., Kananaskis, Genoa, Halifax, Lyon,
Birmingham, Denver “Summit of the Eight,” Cologne, Okinawa, Evian, Sea Island,
Georgia and Gleneagles, Scotland), and documents including lists of delegations,
communiques, etc. that can be found at [].
International Monetary Fund (IMF) at []. This website
provides links to IMF Country Reports on economic trends in IMF member
countries, IMF Working Papers, press releases, annual meetings, and general
background information on the IMF. It also provides links to other international
organizations, such as the United Nations and the World Bank. This website can also
be translated online into French and Spanish.
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) at [].
This website provides background information on NATO including its members,
related agencies, and documents. Current issues of NATO Review are available
electronically, as well as the latest press releases and links to related websites.
Organization of American States (OAS) at []. The OAS is the
world’s oldest regional organization (conceived in 1826 and OAS Charter created in
1890). This website provides information on the political, social, and economic
issues in the region (today comprising Canada, the United States, Latin America, and
the Caribbean). Information on the member states, text of speeches, and reports from
the General Assembly are included (in English, French, Portuguese, and Spanish).
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) at
[]. The OECD is an international organization composed
of industrialized market-economy nations since 1960. This website is the home page
of the OECD’s Washington Center. It provides information on its members, OECD
publications, and frequently requested statistics. It also offers links to related
agencies and to OECD’s Paris Headquarters Home Page.
Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) at [].
Official Website of OPIC, an independent government agency that assists and advises
140 economies around the world. Included is information on the organization,
employment, publications and press releases, and Web links.
Summit of the Americas at []. The official
“Summit of the Americas Information Network” with information and Web links to
all summits, including past summits held in Quebec City, Canada, April 20-22, 2001;
Santiago, Chile in 1998; and Miami, Florida, in 1984, at
[]. Included are
texts of each of the summit declarations and information on the summit process.
United Nations (U.N.) at []. The official Internet site for the U.N.
in either graphic or text versions. An overview of the U.N. system including the
U.N. Charter and member states is provided, along with U.N. conferences and U.N.
publications. This website also provides numerous links to U.N. organizations at
[ h t t p : / / w w w . u n s y s t e m . o r g ] ; p r i n t a b l e w o r l d m a p s a t
[]; and InfoNation for the
latest statistical data for member states by selecting basic or advanced at
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