The international human rights law was created by the international human rights instruments which are building to its parts .
In principle human rights law is enforced on domestic level and nation states that ratify humans rights treaties commit themselves to enact domestic human rights legislations.
More than a half –century has passed since the victorious allies brought the leaders of the defeated axis powers before international tribunals at Nuremberg and Tokyo .
the creation of these courts represented the opening act for one of the great developments in international law since international world war 2 -the prescription of an extensive corpus of law designed to protect all individuals from the abuses of their own governments . this law of human rights stands in contrast to the state –centric international law dominant since the late eighteenth century , which safeguarded individuals primarily vis –a-vis certain conduct by states other than their own –whatever enemy nations (the law of war ) or states where they might reside or set up a business (the law of international claims ).
The Nuremberg and Tokyo trials were also a watershed for recognizing that individuals and not merely states are responsible for violations of be held accountable . as any student of criminal law knows such accountability serves important goals in a civil society ,whether punishment , deterrence , reform , or a closure that can allow the victims to move on with their lives . although some acts ,Nuremberg and its progeny played a central role in established the legitimacy of international criminal law and propelled its development by the legal equivalent of light years . just as important as their impact on the substantive law , the postwar tribunals also represented a potentially powerful precedent for enforcing that law through international courts
The years after the war seemed to presage further advanced in the international criminal law of Nuremberg as states negotiated and concluded conflict in 1949 and the united nations international law commission began to draft a code of offenses against the peace and security of mankind . but the trend soon lost steam .although the international legal process led to the prescription of an impressive body of human rights law , governments did little to develop any mechanisms for enforcing that law through sanctions against individuals . the penchant of despots and fantastic for such abuse did not ,however ,abate .
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