Monday, March 15, 2010

International law and development

International law may be an instrument for promoting development or
impediment to it . the ongoing discussion on international law and development reflects the view that a suitable international economic order is very pertinent for the realization of economic , social and cultural rights . this pertinence varies ,of course ,with the definition of both international law and development .

As for the latter it differs according to whether development is considered to be a legal concept which law may come to grips with either as a process or effort or as a result

The 1986 un declaration on the right to development defines development in the context of the emerging pertinent human right as an effort , i.e.

A comprehensive economic ,social ,cultural and political process ,which aims at the constant improvement of all individuals on the basis of their active ,free and meaningful participation in development and in the fair distribution of benefits resulting there from .

Peace and security

The un declaration on the right to development considering that international peace and security are essential elements for realizing the right to development states :

All states should promote the establishment , maintenances and strengthening of international peace and security and ,to that end ,should do their utmost to achieve general and complete disarmament under effective international control as well as to ensure that the resources released by effective disarmament measures are used for comprehensive development , in particular that of the developing countries

The united nation and the creation of the international law of an development

It is particularly through the development of legal instruments that the world community of nations attempts to provide for the basic conditions for social progress .

In a follow –up document , the secretariat submitted a list of over seventy –five international instruments reflecting existing (international commitments )relevant to social development along with a useful compendium of excerpts from many of these . this contribution is an illustrative ,but hardly complete ,effort to identify some of the sources and principles f the international law of development that has been generated by the U.N. system , particularly during the past to decade .

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